
"mobil bleiben"  by buffy klama (yk)
paintings (acrylic / indian ink on canvas) 2007/2008
a sample of paintings belonging to the exhibition series
"mobil bleiben" that started in 2007 - now beeing shown
within the group exhibition "the cured and the cooked"
at josettihoefe, berlin-mitte

previous and current places of "mobil bleiben":
aufsturz, restaurant,club, berlin-mitte, 2007
artmaxx, art supply store, berlin-charlottenburg, 2008
iav (ingenieurgesellschaft auto und verkehr), berlin-tiergarten, 2008
marriott hotel, wandelbar, berlin-potsdamer platz, 2008

Buffy's own web site www.buffyklama.blogspot.com